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Reverse Engineering a Fidji Air Conditioning IR Remote ControlAuthor
Giorgos Lazaridis
July 29, 2012

PAGE 3 of 3 - Summing up - The Fidji Air Condition IR Remote Control Protocol

To sum up, here are the details of the protocol of the Fidji Air Condition IR Remote Control. The bytes are represented with the bits inverted (as they should be) and with the LSB on the right side (for easier reading).

The transmission begins with the start-bit (3.1mSec duration) and a long duration of 1.2mSec. Then the first pulse is sent with the normal pulse duration (540 uSec). Then the first byte is transmitted from MSB to LSB. An ace is represented by a long interval (1.16mSec) and a zero is represented by a short interval (320uSec).

Bytes 1-4: Device ID. In my case this is 00100011 11001011 00100110 00000001

Byte 5: 0

Byte 6: 00100100 during normal operation, 00100000 to turn off the Air-Condition

Byte 7: 0000xxxx - MODE:
  • 00000001 - HEAT
  • 00000010 - DRY
  • 00000011 - COOL
  • 00000111 - FAN
  • 00001000 - AUTO

  • Byte 8: 0000xxxx - TEMPERATURE. The temperature is calculating by subtracting this value from the number 31. For example, if this value is 00000000, the temperature is 31 (31-0=31), if it is 15 (00001111), the temperature is 16 (31-15=16).

    Byte 9: 00yyyxxx - FAN and SWING:
  • 00yyy000 - AUTO
  • 00yyy010 - LOW
  • 00yyy011 - MID
  • 00yyy101 - HIGH
  • 00000xxx - NO SWINGING
  • 00111xxx - SWING ENABLED

  • Bytes 10 through 13:Reserved for SLEEP and TIMER functions (i have not worked yet with these bytes)

    Byte 14: Error correction. To generate this byte, simply add all the previous bytes (1 through 13) and ignore any overflow from the 8th bit and above.

    Continue reading. Click here to go back to the first page <<<.



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  • At 24 October 2013, 11:51:03 user Mohamed wrote:   [reply @ Mohamed]
    • Hello sir
      I've been trying to control AC via IR for a long time
      is there any way to get the software you made ?

  • At 9 July 2013, 19:36:34 user AnalysIR wrote:   [reply @ AnalysIR]
    • Hi Giorgos,

      Really enjoyed reading your post and particulary the flow & style of describing the project. We have been working on a similar project recently, details of which you can find below.

      For anyone interested in Decoding IR protocols - we have just launched a project on IndieGoGo for AnalysIR - IR Decoder & Analyzer GUI (Arduino & Raspberry Pi). Currently we support 17 IR protocols and are looking for more to add as part of the project. Suggestions Welcome!

      You can find out more about the project on http://igg.me/at/AnalysIR/x/3752156 or Screenshot via www.AnalysIR.com or Meet us at DublinMakerFaire on Jul 27th

  • At 21 June 2013, 6:41:21 user Giorgos Lazaridis wrote:   [reply @ Giorgos Lazaridis]
    • @peeyush manglam I made it myself. It is not a released software.

  • At 18 June 2013, 13:17:18 user peeyush manglam wrote:   [reply @ peeyush manglam]
    • hello sir,
      i want to know which software you used in your PC to collect the data from the oscilloscope .
      please reply me as soon as possible .
      I have been searching for this since 2 week and unable to find any solution regarding this .

      Peeyush manglam

  • At 8 May 2013, 14:58:36 user Giorgos Lazaridis wrote:   [reply @ Giorgos Lazaridis]
    • @fuzail Sure i am active. Better use the forum for your questions.

  • At 8 May 2013, 11:03:34 user fuzail wrote:   [reply @ fuzail]
    • hey.
      this is a very interesting project that you have done.
      i am trying to do something very similar.
      could use your help.
      are you still active ?

  • At 30 March 2013, 20:23:15 user Sergey wrote:   [reply @ Sergey]
    • Hello,

      Excellent post! Thank you.

  • At 14 March 2013, 6:07:05 user Esys wrote:   [reply @ Esys]
    • Thanks a lot for such nice post. If some one has further work on it kindly post it for the others.

  • At 21 December 2012, 2:51:16 user Christopher wrote:   [reply @ Christopher]
    • I did this same thing only with the WIRED controller port on a Grunaire (chigo built) A/C unit about 3 and a half years ago.. the actual but positions are a bit different but similarity in the type of encoding.. in fact on that unit the wired control protocol and the IR are the same wit hthe difference there's no carrier..

      in their case for error correction you first send a 5 byte string.. followed by the same 5 byte string only with the bits inverted.. AND it is a 2 way protocol as it sends Back to you the settings in the same manner.. along with the actual indoor and outdoor temperatures that display on the wired control.. it is carried out over 1 wire (plus ground).. 5 volt TTL level.. normally the unit sends to the wired controller and the wired controller responds back with its settings.. when you adjust a setting.. the wired controller pulls the line low for 100 mSec and then releases it high for 50 mSec and then sends its sequence...

      to the one above comment.. I did just what you were asking.. I created my own micro controller to mimic the wired control panel of the unit using a Zbasic.net micro and my home automation system can control my A/C units in this manner...

      the added advantage is that the wired control panel would display error codes too.. so I also get the benefit that my home automation will pick up on when an A/C unit issues an error code...

      awesome stuff and love to see others are doing similar to me!! its a lot of fun!!

  • At 5 December 2012, 8:22:11 user Fajar Rukmo wrote:   [reply @ Fajar Rukmo]
    • thank's for your explanantion, finally i know why AC bit code is more long than TV.

      your remote using same length but bit changing..
      but my samsung remote using variable length,and this is gonna make more hard to analyze...

      anyway thank's for explanation....

  • At 16 October 2012, 15:41:49 user Jure wrote:   [reply @ Jure]
    • Thanks fo this explanation. Anyone aware of similiar IR decoding for Fujitsu and Panasonic (that's what we have here).

      Has anybody tried to "hack" remote control to be controlled remotely via internet?

      Any advice welcome :-)


  • At 10 October 2012, 12:41:34 user Giorgos Lazaridis wrote:   [reply @ Giorgos Lazaridis]
    • @atlas Hello. I do not work with Arduino, but i plan to make for PIC

  • At 10 October 2012, 12:35:40 user atlas wrote:   [reply @ atlas]
    • Hello

      Thanks for your excellent post. I'm trying to do the same thing as you for my Friedrich AC/heater.
      Do you plan to write a new post about using your result with an arduino to be able to control your device?

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